この日本のなつのために、ありがとう / Thank you for this Japanese summer
(pronounced kono nihon/nippon no natsu no tame ni, arigatou) Hello everyone, I've been home for a few days now. This is my last...

Expanding my view of Japan
I'm just going to pretend I'm not leaving Japan in a few hours, and share a story of my adventures with my host mom, Asae-san, last...

Midterm - Looking Deeper into the Issue of Food Isecurity in Japan
Hello everyone, I realize I didn't exactly publish two posts within a week, as I said I would in my previous post... Life has been pretty...

Hello everyone, This week, I'm going to be posting twice! Some of you probably know that my internship at 2HJ is part of my sociology...

What does food insecurity "look" like in Tokyo?
It looks like the threadbare clothing of an exhausted homeless individual - but also the crisp white button-down shirt of a clean-shaven...

About Second Harvest Japan (2HJ)
Konbanwa ("good evening), Today I'm going to tell a bit more about what I do as an intern with Second Harvest! Second Harvest Japan (2HJ)...

The First Week in Japan
Hello everyone, Here is my first post of the summer! So far, I've been in Japan for about a week. I live just outside of Tokyo, in...

Reflections on a Semester Abroad...
So, I've been back in the United States for about a week now! It's a bittersweet feeling that I can't quite describe... When Isabel and...

Summing up a whole month....?
Hej everybody! I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the earth; I've been travelling and studying quite a bit over the past few...

Sustainable Samsø
This past weekend was quite the adventure! DIS offers short trips called "DIScovery tours" throughout the semester, and I decided to sign...